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2. http://jestec.taylors.edu.my/Vol%2010%20Issue%2010%20October%202015/Volume%20(10)%20Issue%20(10)%201261-1274.pdf.
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4. B.N. Getu et al., "Automatic Control of Agricultural Pumps Based on Soil Moisture Sensing. Proceedings of the IEEE AFRICON 2015 Conference, 667-671, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/AFRCON.2015.7332052.
5. B.N. Getu et al., "Design of Automatic Control System for Garden Plantations Based on Soil Moisture, Temperature and Light Sensing" Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (18), 4782-4786, 2017. DOI: 10.36478/jeasci.2017.4782.4786.