Energy Aware Job Scheduling and Simulation in a Cloud Datacenter


Assudani Purushottam,Khan Mehvash,Kumar Mukesh,Bhutada Tejas


Virtualization technology is used by cloud systems for the users to utilize cloud resources through Virtual Machines.These VM’s process the task requests made by users. Ever since inefficient hardware utilization is the concernfor the future and the environment, efficient work load balancing and allocation of VMs helps to bring down thehardware usage and results to efficient working. That being said, this paper proposes task scheduling frameworkwhere the task will be assigned to a VMs running on the active hosts(servers) through preemption as required andclassification of the cloudlets. The algorithm that we have taken into consideration will categorize the cloudletsinto three distinct types and allocate them a VM based on first come, first served resource time in regards to thatparticular host. This in turn will reduce the energy consumption by having lesser machines running in the activestate meanwhile preserving efficient utilization of the active servers. Such kind of simulations are fairly achievedusing the CloudSim framework


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