Fine-Tuning Argument and Multiverses




The fine-tuning argument is an argument for the existence of God. It is a version of the design argument that is based on cosmological fine-tuning of the universe. In the last century, in the light of scientific discoveries it has been found that for any life forms to develop in the universe, physical laws, initial conditions of the universe, and constants of physics must be finely-tuned. The claim of the fine-tuning argument is that these finely-tuned parameters cannot be explained meaningfully and coherently by chance or multiverses but only by intelligent design. Fine-tuning argument differs from the classical design argument which emphasizes order and purposefulness in the world by drawing attention to the cosmic laws and parameters that pave for purposefulness and order at the biological level. For this reason, it is accepted as a stronger version of the design argument. In this study, we will set forth the main claim of fine-tuning argument and we will discuss the multiverses hypothesis which is one of the most popular objections that is directed to the fine-tuning argument. Finally, we will discuss whether the multiverse hypothesis is not sufficient to explain the finely-tuned parameters in the universe.


Trakya University

Reference24 articles.

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