1. Department of Biotechnology, Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar
The present study investigated the development of beads from alginate and mushroom powder for the removal of lead (Pb) and manganese (Mn) from water. Batch biosorption experiments were conducted, varying pH and the composition of alginate and mushroom powder. Results indicated that the combination of alginate and mushrooms achieved over 86.8\% reduction in Pb and 65.9\% reduction in Mn concentrations, with higher reductions observed for both metals at pH 5. These findings suggest that the beads effectively reduced Pb and Mn concentrations, with the mushroom content playing a significant role in their efficacy. The analysis of the FTIR spectrum showed that the uptake of metal ions by mushrooms involves interactions of ions with hydroxyl, carboxyl, and amide groups. This study underscored the potential applications of these beads in addressing heavy metal pollution in water sources. By providing a sustainable and effective method for heavy metal removal, the use of alginate and mushroom-based beads could offer a valuable solution for environmental remediation efforts.
International Library of Science
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