Geological structure of Quaternary sediments in the lower Pechora river valley


Andreicheva Ludmila1


1. FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"


The geological structure of Neopleistocene deposits was specified along a 19-kilometer section of the right bank of the lower Pechora between the villages of Garevo and Sergeevo-Shchelya. The presence of three glacial and two interglacial horizons was revealed in coastal outcrops, and the material composition of the composing sediments was studied. The formation of the most ancient moraine horizon was associated with Fennoscandinavia and occurred in the early Quaternary Pomusov (Oka) time. The Pomusov moraine was overlain by Chirva (Likhvin) interglacial alluvial and lacustrine sediments. In the Middle Neopleistocene glacial complex, two morainic strata of different ages were distinguished: Pechora (Dnieper) and Vychegda (Moscovian), separated by a pack of predominantly coastal-marine littoral sediments, and alluvial and lacustrine sediments, the age of which was determined as Rodionov (Shklov) by the palynological method. Differences in the lithological composition of moraines confirmed a double glaciation of the European North-East of Russia in the Middle Neopleistocene.



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