State of knowledge and correlation potential of Mississippian brachiopods of the western slope of the northern Urals


Erofeevsky A.1


1. FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"


The article presents a brief history of Mississippian brachiopod studies in the North of the Urals during the last 175 years. The regional stratigraphic chart of the Western Urals subregion was originally developed on the basis of brachiopod biostratigraphy. The works of A. Keyserling, G. N. Fredericks, N. V. Kalashnikov, N. V. Enokyan, N. N. Fotieva, D. V. Nalivkin, and other researchers have greatly contributed to the study of the Mississippian brachiopods of the region. The most active use of the North Urals brachiopods for the biostratigraphy of the region falls in the 60—70s of the last century and is mainly connected with the works of N. V. Kalashnikov. However, brachiopods are hardly studied in the southern part of the Tchernyshev Swell and in basins of the Vuktyl, Bolshaya Nadota, Kosyu, and Kharuta rivers. The modern techniques and recent advances in brachiopod research both in Russia and in the world are considered. Considering the changes in brachiopod systematics and Mississippian stratigraphy during the last 30 years, it is concluded that it is necessary to update the data on the taxonomic composition, paleogeographic and stratigraphic distribution of brachiopods in the North Urals region.



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