A new ostracod species of the genus Leperditia from the Silurian deposits of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals


Saldin V


The article describes a new species of ostracods of the genus Leperditia from the Upper Silurian deposits of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals (Shchugor River basin). Leperditia unituber Saldin sp. nov. differs from all other species of Leperditia by the presence of a tubercle near the ventral margin of the right valve, a stable diagnostic character. The shell is truncated-oval, elongated, widening towards the posterior end. The ventral margin is gently and asymmetrically arched. Longitudinal axis at a slight angle to the length. A narrow marginal border is observed along the ends of the shell. The posterior dorsal swelling on the left valve is pronounced. On the right valve near the ventral part, where the greatest height of the shell is observed, there is a tubercle or spiny outgrowth.



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