Gold from alluvium of the Puyva region (the Subpolar Urals)


Kuznetsov Sergey1,Parhacheva Ksenia1,Filippov V.1


1. FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"


In the Puyva region, located in the southeastern part of the Subpolar Urals, several gold-bearing placers and placer occurrences are known; however, information on gold itself is not complete enough, which makes the research relevant. The study of stream gold from the alluvium of the Khartes, Sertynya, Oika, Dorozhny, and Borovoy areas, has revealed that the gold is predominantly small; the particle shape is lamellar, thickened-lumpy, and complex. Gold roundness is medium; the portion of unrounded and well-rounded particles is insignificant. Silver is almost always present in gold, copper is less often noted. In some samples, electrum of a high silver content is found along with gold. Single gold particles have narrow, discontinuous high-fineness rims due to the removal of silver under exogenous conditions. Placer gold is gold of close wash-down; its original sources are probably represented by hydrothermal gold-sulfide-quartz veins localized in rocks of different composition and age.



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