Fossil bones of the Miocene-Holocene camels of Eurasia (Russia): mineralogical and geochemical properties and ecological reconstructions


Silaev V.1,Titov V.23,Tesakov A.4,Filippov V.1,Vasil'ev E.5,Smoleva I.1,Shanina S.1,Kiseleva Dar'ya6,Khazov A.1,Makeev B.1,Soloshenko N.7,Okuneva T.


1. FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

2. 2Southern Scientific Center RAS

3. 3Scientific speleo-paleontological complex “Tavrida Cave” of the Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

4. Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (GIN RAS)

5. Sankt-Peterburgskiy gornyy universitet

6. Institute of Geology and Geochemistry named after Academician A.N. Zavaritsky UB RAS

7. Institute of Geology and Geochemistry


Using a wide complex of mineralogical-geochemical and isotope-geochemical methods we studied, a unique series of samples of fossil camels’ bone remains taken from Eurasian localities from the northwestern Black Sea region to western Transbaikalia and Mongolia, dated in the chronological range from the Late Miocene (6 Ma) until the 14th century AD. The obtained results indicated the mineralogical and geochemical properties of fossil bones as very effective way of ecological and climatic reconstructions and interpretation of the evolutionary history of mammals.



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