On the question of the age of the Dzhezhim formation of the South Timan


Nikulova Natal'ya,Kulikova K.1,Sandula A.1


1. FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"


We have described jasper pebbles from gravelites of the Dzhezhim formation on the Zhezhimparma uplift in the Southern Timan. The chip has a zonal structure. The central part is composed of devitrified volcanic glass and is surrounded by the rocks with an oolitic and crustified structure, composed of hematite-pigmented microgranular hexagonal quartz aggregates. We made a conclusion that one of the sources of the detrital material was rocks of timanide (preuralide) orogen, which final collision stage was Late Vendian by the age.



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