Structural features of Precambrian formations of Subpolar and Polar Urals: comparative analysis


Potapov I.1,Popvasev K.1,Pystin Alexander1


1. FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"


The structural features of the rocks of the Precambrian section of the Subpolar (upper reaches of the Kozhim River) and Polar Urals (Kharbey River basin) have been studied. We revealed that the structural appearance of the formations under consideration resulted from several stages of deformation. The Precambrian of these regions is characterized by deformations and accompanying metamorphic transformations of rocks in the Early Proterozoic, associated with orogenic processes resulting from the unification of Volga-Uralia and Sarmatia and later with the development of the timanides and uralides. We found markers of an earlier stage of structural-metamorphic transformation of rocks (possibly Late Archean) in the Polar Urals.



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