Stratigraphic range of the Toupugol'egart Formation (Lower-Middle Devonian, Polar Urals)


Plotitsyn A.1,Sobolev I.2,Matveeva N.1,Ivanova R.3,Vikentyev I.4


1. FSBI FIC "Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

2. Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry RAS

3. A. N. Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry UB RAS

4. Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogyand Geochemistry, Russian Academy of sciences (IGEM RAS)


We refined the age of carbonate and clastic volcanomictic rocks of the Toupugol'egart Formation (D1–2tg) of the Voikar Belt of the Polar Urals, which formed at the final stage of the Polar Ural Island arc development. The analysis of the stratigraphic distribution of fossils of the Toupugol'egart Formation was based on a revision of previously published data and new collections of the authors (algae, tabulatomorphic corals). The stratigraphic range of the Toupugol'egart Formation was extended up to the Karpinsky-Langur regional stages of the Emsian Eifelian of the Devonian. The similarities of the structure, lithological composition and paleontological associations of carbonate sequences of the Toupugol'egart Formation and the upper part of the Malyj Ural Formation (Voikar Belt of the Polar Urals), as well as the Terrigenous-Volcanogenic Formation (eastern slope of the Middle Urals) were noted. The accumulation of these deposits took place in the Late Emsian Early Eifelian, probably during joint sedimentary-volcanogenic cycle within a single extended island-arc system. We assumed a similar evolution of the Polar Ural and Tagil island arcs at the final stage of their formation.



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