Lithological and genetic characteristics of the Upper Triassic Dalnegorsk limestones of the Taukhinsky terrane (Sakharnaya mountain, Sikhote-Alin)


Punina T.1,Malysheva E.1


1. Federal State Budget Institution of Science Far East Geological Institute


Facies associations of Upper Triassic Dalnegorsk limestones of the Taukhinsky terrane (Sakharnaya mountain, Sikhote-Alin) are integrated for the first time in this work. A detailed lithological and genetic description of the organogenic construction of the Sakharnaya Mountain is given. A lithological and paleoecological study of the limestones composing the structure was carried out, lithotypes corresponding to three genetic types were identified: biogenic, biochemogenic and mechanogenic. The sequence of formation of an organogenic structure consisting of four stages was determined: bank, biostrom, biogerm, reef. A detailed description of each stage of development is given. The presented results are of great importance for a better understanding of the development and spread of carbonation accumulation in the Pantalassa Ocean in the Late Triassic. Our research provides new data that can be combined into paleogeographic and geodynamic reconstructions of the Pantalassa Ocean.



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