Investigation of dependence of the heat flux anomalies in the rear of subduction zones on the angle and velocity of subduction


Gavrilov S.1,Kharitonov A.1


1. Schmidt Institute of Earth’s physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The relevance of the material presented in this article is related to the identification of the dependence of the anomalous heat flux magnitude on the angle and velocity of lithospheric subduction, and assuming the constancy of the effective viscosity of the upper mantle material and the conductive mechanism of dissipative heat transfer. We analytically solved the equation of dissipative heat transport in a mantle wedge over a flatly subducting lithospheric plate on the basis of the method estimating the anomalous heat flux carried to the day surface from the mantle wedge in the rear of subduction zones. As a result, exemplified by Amur and Adriatic plates, for which the velocity of subduction is determined by modern geodetic methods (approximately 10 mm per year) and the angle of subduction — from seismological data (25–30 degrees), the obtained dependence of the anomalous heat flux on the angle and velocity of lithospheric subduction is proved valid. The previously unmeasured velocity of the Black Sea microplate subduction under the Crimea was estimated of 3 mm per year. With the obtained velocity of matter in the mantle wedge at the roof of the mantle, the upward conductive flow can provide the observed removal of heat and hydrocarbons from the mantle to the day surface and the formation of hydrocarbon deposits.



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