Development of a PCR test system for the detection of Potato virus Y


Bessolicyna E.1,Tulinov A.2,Novoselova N.1,Harina A.1


1. Federal Agricultural Research Centre of the North-East named after N. V. Rudnitsky

2. Institute of Agrobiotechnologies, Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Potato virus Y infects potato plants and causes serious damage to agriculture by reducing the yield of this crop. Therefore, there is a need to identify this pathogen. Potato viruses contain RNA, so immunological methods or PCR combined with reverse transcription can be used. The aim of this work was to develop a PCR test system for the detection of Potato virus Y. Primers for the reverse transcription reaction and subsequent PCR were found. Annealing temperatures and size of the amplified fragment were calculated. Primers and reaction conditions on plant material were tested. PCR products of the calculated size were obtained. The determination of their nucleotide sequence confirmed the identification of the genetic material of Potato virus Y. Thus, this PCR test system can be used to detect Potato virus Y.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Energy

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