The efficiency of carbetocin for correction of the reproductive function of sow pigs


Filatov A.1,Minin A.2,Sapozhnikov A.1


1. Vyatka State Agrotechnological University

2. OOO ‘‘Vostochny’’


The article shows the efficiency of the preparation carbetocin during the postpartum period in highly productive sows. The use of a prolonged form of oxytocin in postpartum animals activates the contractile activity of smooth muscle structures of the myometrium. Against this background, we record a 2.57-fold decrease in the incidence of postpartum endometritis and postpartum dysgalactia of sows. The young animals have then high viability and growth energy values. After weaning of piglets, the breeding stock quickly restores the sexual cycle. The efficiency of insemination is comparatively high.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Energy

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