Marriage and divorce rates of the population of the Komi Republic in the 1920s-1980s


Lytkina U.1


1. Institute of Language, Literature and History, Federal Research Centre Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch, RAS


The paper considers the transformation of the marriage and family structure of the population of the Komi Republic in the Soviet period. The dynamics of marriage and divorce rates in 1920-1990 is analyzed in the context of the development of family and demographic policy measures. Based on the results of six population censuses, differences in the marital composition of the population of the Komi Republic by gender, age and type of settlement in 1926-1989 were identified. Special attention is paid to the territorial analysis of marriages and divorces. The marriage composition, relative indicators of marriage and divorce rates in town Soviets and regions of the Komi ASSR in 1959 and 1989 are considered. The results obtained allow us to better understand the impact of the demographic transition and industrial development of the northern territories on the marriage composition of the population.



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