The Kraka lherzolite massifs (Southern Urals): geochemistry, geochronology, genesis, geodynamics


Ronkin Yu.1,Chaschuhin I.1


1. Institute of Geology and Geochemistry named after academician A. N. Zavaritskiy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The study on lherzolites of the North Kraka massif, which is part of the largest (more than 900 km2) lherzolite allochthon (composed of island-arc and oceanic complexes thrusted from the eastern slope of the Urals onto bathyal and shelf deposits of the passive continental margin of the East European Platform), contains REE ID-ICP-MS, 86Sr/87Sr and 147Sm-143Nd ID-TIMS results indicating melting of the already depleted protolith, which can be identified as a mantle source with parameters similar to MORB. Comparison of the currently available geochemical and geochronological signatures of the Kraka massifs with the similar materials from Central and Western Europe allows to correlate the structures of Timanides with Cadomids formed as a result of this folding phase, which ultimately, based on global reconstructions of the continents for the end of the Proterozoic, authorize the hypothesis of the Cadomian orogen existence on the periphery of Gondwana.



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