Mohammed Al-Ezzy Ruqaya,Abood Kholood Whayeb,Abdullah JasimAya Karim Rdeef/ Departement of Agr Mohammed,Rdeef Aya Karim
Plants have been used by people from prehistoric times to get rid of suffering and curing ailments. Plants are of the important sources of medicine and a large numbers of drugs in use are derived from plants. Yarrow, a member of the aster family, is closely related to chrysanthemums and chamomile. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) was named after Achilles, the Greek mythical figure who used it to stop the bleeding wounds of his soldiers. Decoctions have been used to treat inflammations, such as hemorrhoids, and headaches. Yarrow contains flavonoids (plant-based chemicals) that increase saliva and stomach acid, helping to improve digestion. Phenolic acids such as caffeic acid and salicylic acid are components of the bioactive compounds present in Achillea millefolium that have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This study was designed to assess the fertility and anti-bacterial activity of Yarrow methanolic extract through in vivo (albino male mice) and in vitro (antibacterial activity) studies. Results indicated that higher doses of plant increased sperm head abnormality and this lead to decrease fertility in addition to that antibacterial activity was dose dependant manner. Conclusions: Yarrow contains flavonoids and other chemical constituents which have these effects.
Dr. Yashwant Research Labs Pvt. Ltd.
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