Viscoelastic Model of Fiber Concrete under Dynamic Loading Considering the Effect of Initial Stresses
Savin S.Yu.,Fedorova N.V.
Statement of the problem. The objective of the study was to identify the peculiarities of the stress-strain state of fiber concrete under two-stage static-dynamic loading and to develop a variant of a nonlinear viscoelastic model of concrete reinforced with steel fiber. Results. The paper presents the results of experimental tests of fiber-concrete prisms under quasi-static, dynamic and static-dynamic loading conditions. On the basis of the analysis of experimental data it is established that at dynamic loading there is an upward shift of the boundary of macrocrack formation. A nonlinear viscoelastic model of fiber concrete is proposed and compared with experimental data, taking into account the effect of the initial stress level caused by the service load. The parametric study performed using this model shows that as the loading rate increases, a more intensive dynamic hardening of concrete is observed. Conclusions. The proposed viscoelastic model of fiber concrete allows to estimate the ultimate strength and corresponding strain under static-dynamic mode of loading due to an accidental action caused by the collapse of one of the load-bearing members of the structural system of the building.
Voronezh State Technical University