1. Stavropol State Medical University
2. Bashkir State Medical University
3. Bashkir State Medical University; City Clinical Hospital No. 13
Tissue engineering is a medical science dealing with reproduction of biological tissues and organs. This area of medicine opens avenues for creation of organs and tissues using biomaterials and nanostructures to sustain their development, maintenance and function repair in a living organism. The scope of tissue engineering is an artificial recreation of tissues at the fi nest structural level. Prerequisite requirements are a cell source (a donor), artificial extracellular matrix and growth factor. The first organ, which was extracorporally created and successfully introduced in medical practice, is skin. Recent years have witnessed a major leap in 3D technology for reproduction of biological structures. Increasing attention is being paid towards controlled design and production of 2D–3D structures consisting of biological materials and viable cells, the procedure defined as bioproduction or bioprototyping. Skin substitutes obtained with the bioprototyping technology possess a wide range of medical applications, primarily to compensate for resident skin deficiency in wound healing.
Bashkir State Medical University
General Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Reference39 articles.
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2. Sharma P., Kumar P., Sharma R., Bhatt V.D., Dhot P.S. Tissue engineering; current status & futuristic scope. J Med Life. 2019;12(3):225–9. DOI: 10.25122/jml-2019-0032
3. Velasquillo C., Galue E., Rodriquez L., Ibarra C., Guillermo Ibarra-Ibarra C. Skin 3D bioprinting. applications in cosmetology. J Cosmet Dermatol Sci Applicat. 2013;3(1A):85–9. DOI: 10.4236/jcdsa.2013.31A012
4. Tarassoli S.P., Jessop Z.M., Al-Sabah A., Gao N., Whitaker S., Doak S., et al. Skin tissue engineering using 3D bioprinting: An evolving research fi eld. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2018;71(5):615–23. DOI: 10.1016/j.bjps.2017.12.006
5. Smirnova N.V., Dresvyanina E.N., Dobrovolskaya I.P., Yudin V.E., Kolbe K.A. Optimization of mechanical properties and bioactivity of composite matrices based on chitosan and chitin nanofi bril for tissue engineering. Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(5):382–7 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.1134/S0041377119050043