Legal Education and Gender Issues


Cardoso Fernado da SilvaORCID,Galindo Paula Tenório BrittoORCID,Almeida Neto Antonio Lopes deORCID


The study aims to analyze the political, pedagogical and scientific role of legal higher education in relation to the approach and training committed to coping with violence and addressing gender issues. To this end, we problematize traditional legal education, the necessary interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspective of the higher education of undergraduate Law students and the interrelation between education, research, and extension in this universe. We carry out a documentary analysis of the Pedagogical Projects (PPCs) of Undergraduate Law Programs in operation in the city of Arcoverde, located in the Moxotó Backlands, Pernambuco, Brazil, as a way of understanding how higher education institutions (HEIs) situate gender issues in legal education. The results indicate that the HEIs provide syllabuses that favor technique and dogmas to the detriment of discussions that elicit deeper dialogue on social issues, such as gender issues, in addition to maintaining the fragmentation of knowledge as a curricular characteristic. Finally, regarding the research and extension aspects, the institutions present goals and activities that opt for a generic and apolitical discourse, not committing, in general terms, to addressing gender issues.


Universidade Estadual de Campinas

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