Zenfira Huseynli Zenfira Huseynli,Alieva Rovshana Alieva Rovshana,Akbar Hashimov Akbar Hashimov
In this article, the failures of tube hangers made from UNS N07718 are discussed. An arrangement known as a tubing hanger may be found in wells that produce either oil or gas. It is positioned in the upper tubing head’s bowl after it has been installed. The tubing is held in place by this, and a main annulus seal is created between tubing also the production casing. This holds the tubing in place, and at the same time, it creates a primary annulus seal between tubing also production casing. When compared to odd component in wellhead system, tubing hangers are available in a broader range of styles and sizes than any other option. Tubing hangers made of UNS N07718 are often used in the installation process of sour service oil and gas wells that operate under high pressure and also high temperatures. Afterwards more than 10 years of service, it was only recently found that the tubing hanger made of UNS N07718 had failed in sour wells. Failures of the tubing hanger will inference in substantial production delays as well as high workover expenses. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the failure mechanism of tubing hanger furthermore its ramifications on existing wells that were erected with material that is comparable to what was used here. In order to establish what caused the failure, each and every exposure that was brought on by well intervention efforts was evaluated. The manner of failure of stringer head suspension was researched, as was its influence on already existing wells that had been erected with materials that were comparable.
Keywords: tubing head, tubing hanger, tubing thread, back pressure valve profile, landing shoulder, snap ring, running thread,
Education Support and Investment Fund NGO
Reference10 articles.
1. The Tubing Hanger ensures that the well bore is under control before the BOP is removed. Maintains the manufacturing tubing in a suspended position inside the well bore.
2. This component is responsible for providing the principal annulus seal on that string of tubing that is being hung.
3. The annular seal is activated by a lock screw and is unaffected by the weight of the tube.
4. Down hole command (DHCV) lines are isolated thanks to two seals located on that tubing hanger neck.