Viktoria Shvedun, Оlena Postupna, Оleksii Stepanko Viktoria Shvedun, Оlena Postupna, Оleksii Stepanko,Polina Aliieva, Elvira Seidova-Bohoslovska Polina Aliieva, Elvira Seidova-Bohoslovska
The article is devoted to the analysis of the foreign experience of business process digitalization in local government institutions.
The authors indicate the following main internal problems regarding the introduction of digital models of public administration in Ukraine: the absence of an officially defined category-concept apparatus; the non-compliance with legal, informational-analytical, scientific-methodical, financial, organizational-technical, personnel support, etc.
The authors underline that digital technologies and their use in all spheres of society's life-activity allow to create new business practices that are reflected in the emergence of gig economy, freelancing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, crowdcasting, etc. and other new types of services.
A comparative analysis of public administration models in different countries indicates that the institutions and mechanics of public power of the countries of Europe, the USA, Japan, China and others are caught by various historical, economic, political and cultural experience. In each of the models, the function of public administration bodies supports the necessary level of regulation of social and economic processes and ensures stable public development.
Keywords: local government institutions, business process digitalization, public administration model, foreign experience.
Education Support and Investment Fund NGO
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