Ilgar Asadov, Sevindj Abdullayeva Ilgar Asadov, Sevindj Abdullayeva
A method for technological optimization of centralized combustion of associated hydrocarbon gas from sources with different methane concentrations is proposed. A technological scheme for the centralized combustion of hydrocarbon gas from sources with different concentrations of CH4 has been drawn up. An optimization problem was formulated and solved, the solution of which, under a certain restrictive condition, made it possible to obtain the optimal relationship between the concentration of CH4 in associated gas and wind speed. As a result of the optimization carried out, the optimal procedure for the functioning of the developed technological scheme for the centralized combustion of the associated gas was recommended. To determine the conditions for achieving the maximum functional efficiency of the proposed technological scheme, an optimization problem was compiled and solved, the solution of which, under a certain restrictive condition, made it possible to obtain the optimal relationship between the concentration of CH4 in associated gas and wind speed. As a result of the optimization carried out, the optimal procedure for the functioning of the proposed technological scheme for the centralized combustion of associated gas from various sources was developed.
Keywords: Harmful habits, suicide, prevention, advertising, social networks, anonymous, qualified helpers, individual characteristics, psychological services, gender, religion.
Education Support and Investment Fund NGO
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