Nijaat Zaman Nijaat Zaman
This article introduces a new traffic control system framework, Mobile Intelligent Traffic Management System (MITCS), designed for Baku for the next generation. According to statistics, every year people lose 154 hours in traffic on average. 1.3 million people die in accidents. The system combines micro-mechanical and electrical technologies embedded system, wireless transmission, image processing, and solar module. The objectives of this study are:
1. Research and design new and multifunctional traffic controller in the box;
2. Design a cost-effective basis contribution to the communication network;
3. Use image processing methods of developing a detector of non-interfering means for control of traffic dynamics;
4. Using artificial intelligence adapt traffic dynamics and update traffic control strategies;
5. Propose a special concept for mobile intelligent traffic control Center.
Finally, an experimental system consisting of Virtual Traffic Police (VTP), Status Monitor Agent (SMA) and Traffic Control Integration Module (TCIM). There will be a system highly efficient, self-organized and self-coordinated support motion control mechanism.
Keywords: Transportation, artificial intelligence, information technologies.
Education Support and Investment Fund NGO
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