Shahla Ahmadova Shahla Ahmadova
The Republic of Azerbaijan, the largest country in the Caucasus, left the Soviet Union in 1991 and entered a new path of development after becoming independent. It is true that some social and political events sometimes hindered these activities in one way or another, but they could not stop the development. The neighboring Republic of Armenia against Azerbaijan Although groundless land claims, the occupation of our lands, and the presence of 1 million refugees and internally displaced persons have created a number of problems in the country, socio-economic measures that have taken the right direction are bearing fruit. Adoption of the Constitutional Act "On State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan" on October 18, 1991 laid the foundation for a new stage in the history of our republic. In the process of the collapse of the USSR, relations between the production enterprises of the former USSR and Azerbaijan were broken. New production and service structures were created in the republic. Systematic measures were started in the direction of accelerating the development of the economy and the non-oil sector, deepening agrarian reforms, increasing the employment of the population, creating modern enterprises and opening new workplaces. After the death of Heydar Aliyev, this strategy is successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev.
For this purpose, according to the order dated February 11, 2004, the "State Program for Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2004-2008" was approved. After the decree was signed, important work was done in the country: new schools were built, old buildings were repaired, new roads were built, and new jobs were opened in the regions. After the first State Program was successfully implemented, on April 14, 2009, the second "State Program of Socio-Economic Development of the Regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009-2013" was approved. The tasks of this program were also successfully completed.
The funds obtained from the sale of "Black Gold" were directed to the restoration and development of infrastructure, which is an important condition for the socio-economic development of the regions.
6-8 billion manats have been invested in the implementation of the planned projects of the First State Program (2004-2008).
Investments for the implementation of the planned projects of the Second State Program (2009-2013) have reached 19.8 billion manats. Thus, 26.6 billion manats have been allocated for the development of regions within the framework of two programs.
During the implementation of the State Programs I and II of the socio-economic development of the regions, the President of Azerbaijan signed 240 decrees that provide for the acceleration of the socio-economic development of the cities and regions included in the economic regions. In the last 12 years, 64,000 institutions, including 41 Olympic Sports Centers, 30 Youth Centers, 2,900 schools, and 560 medical institutions, were built and repaired. 84 settlements were built for 210 thousand forced migrants. 10,000 km of roads were built, 340 bridges and tunnels were built. The construction of 6 airports and 23 power stations has been completed. The main goal of the reforms, construction installation works, and infrastructure changes was to improve the living conditions of the citizens and raise the standard of living of the people of the country.
Keywords: State Program, socio-economic, regions, workplaces, production areas, infrastructure.
Education Support and Investment Fund NGO
Reference19 articles.
1. Ahmadova Sh. "Social economic development of Tovuz region", "History and its problems" Theoretical scientific-methodical magazine. No. 2. Baku, 2017.
2. Aliyev N. "Hundreds of apartments were provided with blue gas in Shinikh region." Azerbaijan" newspaper, February 17, 2013, No. 36, p. 4.
3. Decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Baku; Nurlan, 2004, 2009, 2014.
4. State Program of socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2004-2008 years, 2009-2013 years, 2014-2018 years).
5. Jahangir Z. "Concise History of Azerbaijan" Baku, 1992, 144 p. p. 97.