
Gunel Mammadova Gunel Mammadova,Nahida Jafarova Nahida Jafarova,Mehpara Sadigova Mehpara Sadigova


The article discusses the study of the properties of high-strength concrete based on glass waste. The main purpose of this dissertation is to show the possibility of using glass fragments as a concrete filler, to study the physical and mechanical properties of the obtained concrete and to clarify its application in construction. The urgency of the work is currently characterized by the widespread use of high-tech new generation concrete in the field of construction - modified high-strength concrete. Due to the high cost of natural raw materials, it is especially important to conduct research that reveals new opportunities for the use of waste in the creation of new construction materials. Increased attention is paid to the disposal of industrial and domestic waste. This is necessary, especially in large cities, where the environmental situation is deteriorating. However, there are types of glass that are recycled or considered unfit for recycling, are difficult to process, and require high costs, and their waste still occupies landfills. This type of waste can be successfully used in the preparation of construction materials. In recent years, the effective use of glass waste in the production of high-strength concrete composites has been found in foreign literature As a fine aggregate selected for the study, a mixture of construction sand taken from the Shikhlar sand deposit of Absheron and waste sand from rock quarries was used. Glass waste - The scale of glass waste generation is very large. Industrial waste is 0.32 million tons per year. In addition, glass accounts for 5-7% of the total volume of solid waste, which is about 1.3 ... 1.9 million tons per year. We used waste-crushed granite concrete gravel as a filler for concrete. Granite gravel with 5-10 and 10-20 mm fraction was used as a filler for concrete. Experiments for the study were conducted in 2 directions. In the first case, very fine glass powder was used for the experiments. Granite gravel with a fraction of 5-10 mm was used for the production of first-class concrete samples using glass waste as a filler for the taken concrete samples, natural sand and glass waste with a grain size of 0-10 mm from the Shikhlar field of Absheron were used as a fine filler. Row II of the concrete samples was also prepared for testing to increase strength. Crushed granite with a fraction of 5-10 mm, crushed granite sand with a size of 0-10 grains and glass fragments were used as aggregates for this series of samples. Like all materials, microsilicate reacts with calcium hydroxide Ca (OH) 2 formed during the wetting of Portland cement in the process of wetting the binders. The high purity and increased dispersion of microsilicate contributes to a more efficient and faster reaction, which depends on the composition of the reactive silicon. Silicon mist, together with effective superplasticizers, can provide compression resistance many times higher than ordinary concrete. The average value of microsilicate water suspension is 7.74 . The fineness of microsilicate can be compared with the fineness of other powdered materials: microsilicate - 140000 - 300,000 sm2 / g, volatile ash - 4000 - 7000 sm2 /g, Portland cement - 3000 - 4000 sm2 / g. The use of microsilicate helps to reduce cement consumption up to 200 - 450 kg / m3, has a high compressive strength: 60 - 80 MPa and above 80 MPa for fine-grained concrete, increases anti-corrosion resistance, reduces water resistance by 50%, buda concrete increases durability. The object of this research is the technology of preparation of high-strength concrete based on glass waste. Experiments have shown that when fine natural aggregate is replaced with glass waste, the strength of concrete decreases due to the lack of adhesion between the glass-cement stone particles. The amount of glass waste in fine natural sand is 30% of Shikhlar-Absheron deposit When used as a fine aggregate, gravel sand made of durable granite does not affect the strength of concrete by replacing 15% of the sand with a glass mixture. And only more than 30% of the glass waste in the sand can reduce the strength of concrete. When the crushed sand is completely replaced with glass waste, a maximum reduction in the strength of the concrete is obvious. The addition of a number of additives can change the properties and quality of concrete containing glass fragments. Today, water-resistant concrete products based on the composition of glass fragments are widespread. This type of concrete product meets the most advanced technological requirements. Also, this concrete is composed of environmentally friendly natural and clean elements, and this product is now widely used. As a result of the study, the study of the properties of high-strength concrete based on glass waste is discussed. Various glass wastes are used in construction to increase the strength of concrete composites and prevent environmental pollution. Keywords: glass waste, high-strength concrete, recycle, composite, granite waste.


Education Support and Investment Fund NGO



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