Ruslan Dadashov Ruslan Dadashov
High-rise multi-storey buildings are one of the most widely used types of buildings in town-planning (urban planning). Depending on their purpose, high-rise multi-storey buildings are considered to be both constructive and engineering-technically complex objects. The current use of modern construction technologies intends the widespread use of a large number of engineering systems in high-rise multi-storey buildings. These include such examples as ventilation, heating, lighting, communications, building automation, etc.
It should be pointed out that fire safety systems play one of the key roles in building automation. This is due to the fact that multi-storey buildings have rather high energy consumers and the use of a large number of various systems consequently increase the probability of fire occurence. In addition, it is worth pointing out that the human factor plays an important role in fire occurrence, because human is the direct author of constructive and technical solutions, the end user of the apartments having a high probability of fire, so much depends on his actions as a result.
The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the use of various technical units to increase the efficiency of multi-storey buildings in terms of fire safety. First, fire is studied as a physicochemical process and then analysis of various fire safety problems that arise during the operation of multi-storey buildings in the Republic of Azerbaijan and foreign countries and their practical solutions based on this analysis are examined in the article.
Keywords: fire, smoke extraction/ventilation systems, fire alarm systems, fire detectors, fire controllers, building automation, video analytics
Aspendos International Academy of Medical and Social Sciences. LTD
Reference2 articles.
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