Margarita Нariga-Нrykhno Margarita Нariga-Нrykhno,Nazar Kotelnytskyi Nazar Kotelnytskyi
This article highlights a view of collective memory that explains its connection, on the one hand, to individual memory, and on the other, to history. It is noted that the role of both individual and collective memory is not only cognitive, but also normative. That is, memory, in addition to transferring information from the past to the present, also transfers responsibility. Collective memory makes claims about the past because it has a cognitive aspect. These claims can be either confirmed or refuted by relevant historical research (studies). However, this does not mean that collective memory is only a bad story. This is probably the story written by the first person, and its role is to inform the current generation about its responsibility to the past.
Keywords: memory, management, historical practice, individual memory, person, collective memory
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