Mykhailo Hurskyi Mykhailo Hurskyi
The article presents the strategic guidelines of the financial mechanism for state regulation of the domestic agricultural sector development: state regulation methods of the agricultural sector development do not directly relate to this sphere, but affect the efficiency of its operation; protection of agricultural producers in the domestic market, stimulation of the export of agricultural products and food, promotion of the creation of a single agricultural market, creation of favorable conditions for import of machinery and technologies that increase the competitiveness of domestic agricultural producers; development of the regulatory framework for the functioning of the agricultural sector of the country; improvement of land relations; ensuring the development of production infrastructure, which involves the allocation of public funds for long-term activities: subsidies for the construction of farm buildings, land reclamation, as well as promotion of the establishment of farmers' associations; development of integration processes in the agricultural sector; promotion of the intensification of investment processes in agriculture; provision of commodity producers with agricultural machinery, development and improvement of leasing activities; regulation of rational use of natural resources; regulation and support of research activities. The financial mechanism of state regulation of the development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine is represented by a set of organizational and functional institutions, among which public authorities occupy a prominent place. The basic and determining institution for the agricultural sector development in Ukraine is the institution of the state, which covers the system of legislative, executive and judicial authorities, functioning of which affects all components of public life.
Key words: agricultural sector, financial mechanism, state regulation, development, financial and credit policy
Aspendos International Academy of Medical and Social Sciences. LTD
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