Zenfira Huseynli Zenfira Huseynli,Konul Aliyeva Konul Aliyeva
The article is devoted to the study of the choice of the most effective control of technological processes for the prevention and elimination of gas, oil and water intrusions based on establishing the reliability, performance and durability of blowout control equipment. In this regard, the technical condition of the sealing elements of rams preventers, which generally meet all the requirements for the normal performance of blowout safety tasks, is of paramount importance.In order to evaluate and predict the performance and durability of the ram preventer's sealing elements, the basis for conducting experimental studies of their technical condition should be developed.To develop the basis for conducting experimental studies of the technical condition of the sealing elements of ram preventers in order to assess and predict their performance and durability. In this regard, for research, the main parts and components of the stand for testing standard drilling oilfield equipment were developed and manufactured. Structurally, the stand consists of two test wells with a depth of 2000 and 2500 meters, respectively. The structure of the wellhead equipment of each well includes a casing head with installed anti-blowout equipment (ram and annular hydraulic preventers together with a hydraulic drive station). A standard drilling rig and a rig for running a drill string into a pressurized well are installed at the test wellheads. In addition, the stand includes specially designed and manufactured additional components and assemblies: pumping units, suction and discharge manifolds, a circulation system equipped with a number of additional devices and mechanisms, etc. Moreover, an integrated hardware and software complex has been developed specifically for the stand for monitoring and recording information during experimental studies. This complex ensured fast processing of the results of experimental studies on a computer, reliable storage and retrospective access to data, quick readjustment and the possibility of parallel work with several test objects. It is a guide for the experimental study of the productivity and durability of the sealing elements of ram preventers and provides a set of measures for determining the technical condition of BOP during operation based on objective indicators.
Keywords: Blowout preventer, ram, preventer, sealing element, heavy-duty.
Education Support and Investment Fund NGO
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