
Khagani Hasanov, Elchin Malikov Khagani Hasanov, Elchin Malikov


The ELOU-AVT unit is part of a large oil refining complex. This unit is designed for primary processing of oils from various fields, as well as their mixtures. Refining is carried out in order to separate oil into separate fractions (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil), which are used as raw materials for secondary oil refining at other units. On the territory of modern refineries, in order to increase the depth of processing of petroleum feedstock, in most cases the following technological units are used: – The isomerization unit is designed for the production of low-boiling high-octane isomerizate used as a component of unleaded motor gasolines. For the production of a low-boiling high-octane component, the plant uses the process of low-temperature isomerization of C5-C6 normal paraffins. – The distillate hydrotreating unit is designed to produce high-quality diesel fuel with low sulfur and nitrogen content, high cetane number, and improved low-temperature properties. – The sulfur production unit is designed to produce solid commercial sulfur by the oxidative conversion of hydrogen sulfide into elemental sulfur. The delayed coking unit is designed to process heavy oil residues (straight-run tar) into lighter gaseous, liquid products and petroleum coke. The process of thermal cracking is the basis for the processing of tar. – The catalytic reformer with preliminary hydrotreatment is designed for the processing of gasoline fractions of oil in order to obtain high-quality gasolines and aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as hydrogen-containing gas (HCG), which is widely used both in petrochemistry and in such oil refining processes as: hydrotreating, hydrocracking, isomerization, etc. Oil refining is a multi-stage process of physical and chemical processing of crude oil, which results in the production of a complex of petroleum products. Industrial primary distillation units are divided into atmospheric (AT), vacuum (VT) and combined (for example, AVT, CDU-AVT, etc.). It is impossible to obtain a single marketable oil product from crude oil directly by one process (with the exception of gases), all of them are obtained by sequential processing at several installations. Keywords: ELOU-AVT machine, distillate hydrotreating unit, Oil refining, multi-stage process, primary distillation units


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Reference9 articles.

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