A investigation and analysis of characteristics of solid furniture boards made of post-consumer wood


Gayda S.V.


It is substantiated that post-consumer wood (PCW) is an additional timber resource for the woodworking industry. It is established that the physical and mechanical parameters of all furniture boards, regardless of their design, satisfy the requirements of regulatory documents. It has been found that the ratio of thickness to the width of the strips is most influenced by the physical and mechanical properties of the furniture boards. The highest physical and mechanical parameters are characterized by a solid furniture boards with a strips cross section of 22×20 mm. The average static bending strength across the strips of such a solid furniture boards is 27.03MPa. The lowest physical and mechanical indicators are characterized by a solid furniture boards with a strips section of 22×80 mm. The average static flexural strength across the strips of such a solid furniture boards is 16.10MPa. The physical-mechanical parameters of a traditional solid furniture boards made of primary wood are slightly higher than the physical-mechanical parameters of a similar solid furniture boards design made of PCW. Thus, the static flexural strength across the strips of a traditional solid furniture boards is 22.05MPa, and the strength of a solid furniture boards made of PCW is 19.88MPa. According to the results of experimental researches it is established that in order to achieve the shape resistance and sufficient strength of the solid furniture boards on a static bend across the strips, it is recommended that the width of the rail for gluing the furniture board should be no more than triple its thickness. It is recommended to use radial cross-section wooden strips when making solid furniture boards to ensure high resistance. Remodeling the iron on the furniture boards will bring financial and environmental benefits. The financial advantage of the manufacturer is to reduce the material costs of making solid furniture boards made of PCW of iron from the traditional furniture boards. Yes, our calculations show that the cost of solid furniture boards made of PCW is 43.57% depending on the design of the furniture boards. The social and ecological and economic benefit is that by using used wood we reduce by 3 4% the landfill area, reduce deforestation by 0.29 hectares each year, thereby improving the environment.


Ukrainian National Forestry University

Reference21 articles.

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