1. A. Blouin et al. “Missouri's Budget Crisis: The Impact on Access to Health Care Cuts, Consequences, and Policy Options to Restore Health” (St. Louis: Missouri Budget Project, February 2005).
2. Assessing Access To Care Under Medicaid: Evidence For The Nation And Thirteen States
3. For enrollment by state 2000–2004, see Exhibit III.2 in S. Liu and H.T. Ireys, “Participation in the Medicaid Buy-In Program: A Statistical Profile from Integrated Data” (Washington: Mathematica Policy Research, May 2006).
4. As compared to household income, HIU income more accurately reflects the income available when purchasing private insurance or determining eligibility for public programs. J. Holahan, C. Hoffman, and M. Wang, “The New Middle Class of Insured Americans—Is it Real?” (Washington: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, March 2003).
5. Effects of Premium Increases on Enrollment in SCHIP: Findings from Three States