1. Federal Register67, no. 13 ( 18 January 2002 ): 2602 –2611.
2. T.A. Coughlin , B. Bruen, and J. King, “States’ Use of Medicaid UPL and DSH Financing Mechanisms,”Health Affairs23, no. 2 ( 2004 ): 245 –257.
3. See, for example, T.A. Coughlin , L. Ku, and J. Kim, “Reforming the Medicaid Disproportionate Share Program in the 1990s,”Health Care Financing Review22, no. 2 ( 2000 ): 137 –157.
4. Federal Register66, no. 9 (12 January 2001 ): 3154 .
5. L. Ku and T.A. Coughlin, “Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Other Special Financing Programs,”Health Care Financing Review16, no. 4 ( 1995 ): 27 –44