1. New Dartmouth Atlas: improving US cardiac care?
2. J. Basu , H. Lazenby, and K. Levit, “Medicare Spending by State: The Border-Crossing Adjustment,”Health Care Financing Review17, no. 2 ( 1995 ): 219 –241
3. ; and J. Basu , “Border-Crossing Adjustment and Personal Health Care Spending by State,”Health Care Financing Review18, no. 1 ( 1996 ): 215 –236.
4. Personal health care expenditures by state are controlled to estimates presented in K. Levit et al. “Health Spending in 1998: Signals of Change,”Health Affairs(Jan/Feb 2000 ): 124 –132.
5. A. Martin , L. Whittle, and K. Levit, “Trends in State Health Care Expenditures and Funding: 1980–1998,”Health Care Financing Review22, no. 4 ( 2001 ): 111 –140. The data are also available online at www.hcfa.gov/stats/nhe-oact/stateestimates .