1. Is Health Care Different? Popular Support of Federal Health and Social Policies
2. J.B. Judis , “Abandoned Surgery: Business and the Failure of Health Care Reform,” American Prospect (Spring 1995 ): 65 .
3. P. Houston , “Panel Proposed Health Plan to Aid Uninsured,” Los Angeles Times , 31 January 1989 , 1 .
4. See, for example, C. Lee , “Medicaid May Lose Dentists to Other Plan; Higher Fees Paid for Same Work,” Dallas Morning News , 4 October 2000 , 23A .
5. S. Zuckerman and S. Rajan, “An Alternative Approach to Measuring the Effects of Insurance Market Reforms,” Inquiry 36 , no. 1 ( 1999 ): 44 –56.