1. We analyzed hip implant prices for both acetabular and femoral components paid by different hospitals to the same manufacturer during 2005–2007, using published information collected by ECRI. Across all components and manufacturers, the minimum price paid was 28.5 percent below the average sales price in 2005. For 2006 and 2007, the minimum price was 32.4 percent and 25.9 percent below the average. HCPro, “Price Survey: Baby Boomers, Patient Education to Drive Hip Implants,” Hospital Materials Management 33 , no. 1 ( 2008 ): 4 –8.
2. J. Mantone , “Contracting Concerns: Disputes Threaten to Restrict Supply-Price Sharing,” Modern Healthcare (22 May 2006 ): 18
3. ; and P. DeJohn , “Materials Managers Caught in Sudden Vendor Crackdown on Sharing,” Hospital Materials Management 31 , no. 7 ( 2006 ): 1 –4.
4. Hospital purchasing alliances
5. Hospital-Physician Collaboration: Landscape of Economic Integration and Impact on Clinical Integration