1. “Medicare Program: Establishment of the Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee and Request for Nomination of Members,”Federal Register63(29 December 1999 ): 68 ,780;
2. a new process for national decisions,Federal Register64(27 April 1999 ): 22 ,619
3. ; and a Notice of Intent (NOI) to develop a proposed rule, “Medicare Program: Criteria for Making Coverage Decisions,”Federal Register65(16 May 2000 ): 31 ,124. The NOI did not lead to rule making.
4. For Part B drug coverage, Medical Technology Leadership Forum, “Medicare Coverage Policy: The Balance between Local and National Decision-Making” (Washington: MTLF, 28 June 2002), 5. For vitamin D therapy, M. Hawryluk, “Local Commotion: The Flip Side of National Medicare Policy-Making,”American Medical News, 5 August 2002 , 1.
5. G. Aston , “Doctors Urge National Standards for Medicare Carriers,”American Medical News, 10 April 2002 , 3.