1. Holly O. Witteman ( ) is an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Emergency Medicine at Université Laval and a research scientist at CHU de Québec, both in Québec City.
2. Angela Fagerlin is a professor in and chair of the Department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Utah and a research scientist at the Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Health Care System, both in Salt Lake City.
3. Nicole Exe is a research associate at the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor.
4. Marie-Eve Trottier is a master’s degree student in community health at Université Laval.
5. Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher is an associate professor of health behavior and health education, an associate professor of internal medicine, and codirector of the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine, all at the University of Michigan.