1. The Herfindahl Index is calculated as the sum of the squares of the shares of beds for all hospitals within a fifteen-mile radius of the hospital. By construe-tion, this index is higher if a particular hospital dominates a geographic area. For example, if a hospital is the only provider within a fifteen-mile radius, the Herfindahl index equals one. The index declines as the number of neighboring hospitals increases. For example, if a hospital has nine neighbors of the same size within a fifteen-mile radius, the Herfindahl index would be equal to 0.1. For further discussion , see
Tirole J.
The Theory of Industrial Organization
Cambridge, Mass.
The MIT Press
2. Gaskin D.
Hadley J.
“The Impact of HMO Penetration on the Rate of Hospital Cost Inflation, 1984-1993,”
IWP #95-004 (
Institute for Health Care Research and Policy, Georgetown University
April 1996
3. The Evolution of Support for Safety-Net Hospitals