1. sco; see also Matthew Nussbaum, The definitive Trump-Russia timeline of events; see also Mathew Nussbaum, The definitive Trump-Russia timeline of events;U S See;Special Counsel's Office: Related Court Documents,2018
2. The Plot to Subvert an Election: A Timeline Showing the Full Scale of Russia's Unprecedented Interference in the 2016 Election, and Its Aftermath;Karen Yourish;N.Y. TIMES,2018
3. Stone is a self-proclaimed "dirty trickster" when referencing his tactics within the D.C. political landscape. Stone has publicly discussed his involvement in the 2000 U.S. presidential election, notably, he was said to be the mastermind behind the "Brooks Brothers" riots in Florida which was used to prevent the recount of votes from meeting the court appointed deadline in the state of;Ronald Reagan;known for his opposition research and typically provides support for the Republican party,2017