1. A Methodology Note on the Employment and Welfare Impacts of the 2007-08 Financial Crisis
2. State Planning Organization of the Republic of Turkey and the World Bank Welfare and Social Policy Analytical Work Program Working Paper # 1;? Aran;Welfare Impact of the Global Economic Crisis of 2008-2009 on Turkish Households: Evidence from a Specialized Monitoring Survey in 7 Provinces,2003
3. Giving Money to the Poor: The Political Payoffs of Allocating Conditional Cash Transfers in Turkey;? Atun;Lancet Special Article,2013
4. Universal Health Coverage in Turkey: Enhancing Equity" will be made available online on;Sources: For GDP/capita ILO KILM,2013
5. State Planning Organization of the Republic of Turkey and the World Bank Welfare and Social Policy Analytical Work Program Working Paper # 1;Meltem A Aran;Poverty and Inequality Changes in Turkey,2003