1. Priming Ideology? Electoral Cycles Without Electoral Incentives Among U.S. Judges
2. Predicting the Behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States: A General Approach
3. Whether government (Congress and president) was unified or divided when appointed 'Inter_age': Whether the two judges are in the same age group, Binary 'Inter_presidentname': Whether the two judges share the same president when they were appointed to Circuit Judge, Binary 'Inter_predecessor': Whether the two judges share the same predecessor, Binary 'Inter_party': Whether the two judges are in the same party, Binary 'Inter_gender': Whether the two judges have same gender, Binary 'Inter_raceorethnicity': Whether the two judges share same race, Binary 'Inter_state', State of residence of judge Inter_school': Whether the two judges went to same Law schools before, Binary 'sit_3mo': How often the two judges sit in the same Circuit Court in past 3 month, Binary 'sit_6mo': How often the two judges sit in the same Circuit Court in past 6 month, Binary 'sit_1yr': How often the two judges sit in the same Circuit Court in past year, Binary 'sit_before': How often the two judges sit in the same Circuit Court before;Richard A Posner;What Matters: Agreement between U.S. Courts of Appeals Judges 'J1_unityi,2010