1. Some of them are: Israeli tax laws deter investors, Registering Israeli companies in the U.S. is logical considering the proximity to the U.S. market and its sources of financing. The security situation in Israel deters foreign investors, Israeli corporate legislation makes mergers and acquisitions difficult;Sabato;See also
2. Note sulla flora e vegetazione di Pianosa (Arcipelago Toscano)
3. See also statement by Gary Agron, Deputy to the Israeli Income Tax Commissioner, Agron, supra note 39, at 1 ("Israeli entrepreneurs found high-tech companies have set up overseas for three main reasons: the lack of an exemption on capital gains tax for foreign investors; products mainly directed to overseas markets; and high tax rates levied on capital gains produced by Israeli residents. Faulty tax regulations were among the main reasons for the diversion of this resource to other countries, which reaped the intellectual property harvest;See Israel Business Today, Keeping High-tech Companies at Home, WLNR 6944604 IBT,1999