1. An Alternative Approach to the Conventionality Control Doctrine;Dulitzky A;109 AJIL Unbound,2015
2. See the evolution of the doctrine's application in subsequent cases such as inter alia Case of Boyce et al. v. Barbados (Preliminary Objection;Merits, Reparations and Costs) IACtHR, Series C No,2007
3. The notion of conventionality control has also expanded to include the advisory opinion jurisdiction of the Court according to which "[t]h e central purpose of the advisory jurisdiction is to obtain a judicial interpretation of one or more provisions of the Convention or of other treaties concerning the protection of human rights in the American States. In this vein, the Advisory Opinions fulfill, to some extent, the proper function of a preventive conventionality control;Andrade Salm�n v. Bolivia (Merits, Reparations and Costs) IACtHR, Series C No. 330,2016