1. On file with the Washington and Lee Law Review) ("Since 2000, at least 37 states have raised their felony theft thresholds, or the value of stolen money or goods above which prosecutors may charge theft offenses as felonies, rather than misdemeanors."). 345. Supra notes 20-22 and accompanying text (discussing the Court's decisions in Woodson v;Pew See;The Effects of Changing Felony Theft Thresholds,2018
2. Within a day of the [Furman] decision, legislators in five states had announced their intent to enact new death penalty legislation and seventeen congressmen had joined in sponsoring a constitutional amendment to reinstate the death penalty;See Corinna Barrett Lain;L. REV,2007
3. In recent years, three Supreme Court Justices, Powell, Blackmun, and Stevens, have all called for the abolition of the death penalty, repudiating their prior approval of the use of capital punishment;W William;J. CRIM. L. & CRIMINOLOGY,2011