1. ) (citing the cases of "beltway sniper" Lee Boyd Malvo, 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui, and Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nichols as three infamous cases that;U J L Pa;Soc. Change,2007
2. for a detailed discussion of the capital mitigation resulting in a life sentence for Jeremy Gross, who at eighteen robbed and shot to death a convenience store clerk, and including the following information: the crime was videotaped, guilt was not at issue, an Indiana jury saw the crime video, and nevertheless the jury sentenced Gross to life after hearing details of his neglectful and abusive childhood. See also Carol S. Steiker & Jordan M. Steiker, Entrenchment and/or Destabilization? Reflections on (Another) Two Decades of Constitutional Regulation of Capital Punishment, 30 Law & Ineq;Alex See;the Face of Death, N.Y. Times Magazine,2003
3. See also Ethan Bronner, Use of Death Sentences Continues to Fall;The Death Penalty in 2011: Year End Report, Death Penalty Information Center,2011