1. I simply rearranged everything, that's all," say [Alexander Smolensky], languidly puffing on a Camel cigarette in an ornate Moscow office stuffed with sculpted elephants;SBS-Agro didn't perish
2. At an arbitration hearing in London, he backed the EBRD in a $34 million claim against Zoloto-Platina Bank, a key link in Mr. Smolensky's new chain;[a] Former;The EBRD
3. They wrote: 84 [A] whole year after Russia's financial system imploded, pushing most of the country's banks into insolvency, not a single significant one has been properly wound up. The World Bank estimates that, at the top 18 banks alone, liabilities exceed assets by $9.8 billion. Of the few banks that have lost their licenses, most were those trying to deal honestly with their creditors. The worst bank of all;SBS-Agro